Human Amongst Gods
Director | Writer | Visual Development Artist | Motion Design | 3D Animator | Previs
For my thesis film, I wanted to create a film that focused on characters having purpose in their actions in terms of storytelling. I wanted my main character, Tripp, who as a young human feels small and insignificant in a world where there are many different gods for everything, including Strength and Cooking. He gets enticed by the God of Failures, who sets up a test for him.
I directed the film toward that message to have the environment feel like it is towering over the character, especially with the Shrine, where the gods’ gifts are kept. I did the Directing and Writing for the film, I managed artists in a wide range of disciplines including- Illustrators, 3D Modeling, Rigging, and 3D Animators.
I also did the entire Visual Development and Illustration work for the film, including the Storyboarding and Previs, and some of the 3D Animation work. The results were a concept idea for a larger film and can be seen below.
Producer: Jahnvi Shah
3D Character Artist: Soroor Golrang
3D Environment Artist: Jonathan North
3D Lighting Artist: Noelle Kleimeyer
Technical Artist: David Jeka
Programs: Autodesk Maya, Mari, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere
2D Animatic
3D Previs
Working Boards
Color Script
Environment Design
Reference / Inspiration Images